BINGHAMTON PRESS Aug. 22, 1957 Rochester Girl, David Cowen to Wed Louise Healy, Lieutenant Will Be Married Nov. 23 By VIVIAN DUVALL Binghamton Press Society Writer THE engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Louise Greta Healy to 2d Lieutenant David C. Cowen, U. S.
Army, is announced by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Healy of Rochester. Lieutenant Cowen is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas S. Cowen of 79 Schubert Street. The couple will be married Nov. 23 in Rochester. Miss Healy is a senior at Brockport State Teachers College.
The prospective bridegroom is a graduate of Central High School and Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. He is stationed at Fort Dix, N. J. Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Winterberger of Syracuse announce the birth of a daughter yesterday in Syracuse Memorial Hospital. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Winterberger of 37 Roosevelt Avenue. MR. AND MRS. L. EUGENE MALICK have returned to their home at 1905 Riverview Drive, Endwell, following a trip to Atlantic City, N.
J. Mrs. Malick is the former Miss Donna M. VanGorder, daughter of Mrs. Marguerite VanGorder of 405 Legion Street, Vestal, and Donald VanGorder of Brackney, Pa.
Mr. Malick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Loris W. Malick of Johnson City, RD 2.
Mrs. Albert P. Newman of 108 North Harrison Street, Johnson City, will be hostess in her home at 6:30 p. m. Saturday for a "Hobo Party." In St.
Anthony's Church Vinny Olmetti to Be Wed To James J. Shattuck Oct. 5 IRS. ROMOLO OLMETTI of 218 Oak Hill Avenue, Endicott, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Vinny Ann, to James J. Shattuck.
She is also the daughter of the late Mr. Olmetti. Mr. Shattuck is the son of Mrs. James J.
Shattuck, Sr. of 2 Madison Avenue, Endicott and the late Mr. Shattuck. The couple will be married Oct. 5 in St.
Anthony of Padua Church, Miss Creston will be maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Ronald DellaPenta and Mrs. Mario BattagKni. Miss Patricia Beaudette, niece of the bride-elect, will be junior bridesmaid.
Robert Shattuck will be best man for his brother. Ushers will be Edward Shattuck, brother of the bridegroom-to-be, and Joseph Alapeck. Frank Cutri, Miss Olmetti's nephew, will be junior usher. Shower Honors Elizabeth Lynch KISS MARY RITA ASH of 9 Grand Boulevard A entertained last night at a variety shower honoring Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch, Oct.
26 brideelect. The guest of honor was presented a corsage of red roses. The refreshment table was centered with an arrangement of roses. The gifts were arranged under hanging wedding bells. Miss Lynch, daughter of Mr.
and, Mrs. Westwood John F. Court, Lynch, is the fiancee of Gerald F. Conaty of 516 Jennings Street, Endicott. He is the son of Mrs.
Walter J. Conaty of Plantsville, and the late Mr. Conaty. Save LARGE SIZE Discover New 5 OFF Pink Liquid Vel! OF REGULAR THIS CAN PRICE PINK' Newest thing for dishes! LIQUID DETERGENT Soaks 'em dazzling clean FOR DISHES SO KIND TO HANDS with no "detergent burn" to hands! Contains No Alkali No bleaches, bluings or harsh alkalis meant for clothes! Vel can't burn your hands! Yet it cuts dishpan, grease in seconds gets dishes done and dazzling fast. Try Liquid Vel today-look for this special large size can with the savings for you! At your grocers right now! IN JUST: ONE HANDS CAN CHANGED.
TO NEW PINK LIQUID VEL Heeman-Seidel Troth Announced THE engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Florence Jane Heeman of 144 Beethoven Street to Lester Robert Seidel, are announced by her parents, Mr. Frank Heeman of Pierce Creek Road. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Seidel of Fallbrook Road, Conklin.
The couple will be married at 11 a.m. Sept. 14 in Blessed Sacrament Church, Johnson City. GEO. E.
TREYZ INC. ALPHA ZETA PHI -Binghamton Press Photo. NEW FALL ATTIRE Alpha Zeta members show off their new blazers at a meeting last night in the home of Miss Norma Councilman, 142 Ackley Avenue, Johnson City. Left to right: Miss Judy Hoffer, president; Miss Janet T. Jones, treasurer; Miss Marilyn Varney, secretary, and Miss Michalyn Tamancik, vice-president.
Miss Hoffer is showing Miss Tamancik the new sweat shirt that the sorority sisters will be ordering for the fall. Variety Shower Honors Donna Lou Bourgarde MISS DONNA LOU BOURGARDE, Sept. 28 brideelect, was guest of honor at a variety shower recently. Miss Bougarde's aunts, Mrs. John Dundon and Mrs.
Edward Ackerly, were hostesses in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bourgarde of 86 Gilmore Avenue, Hillerest. The future bride was pre- no.
1 specialist in leng-distance moving! agent ANNIVERSARY PARTY Miss Lynn Freelove was hostess at a party afternoon for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Freelove of Lisle, in the home of Mrs. J. H.
Upham of Lisle. The occasion was the Freelove's thirty-third wedding anniversary. RETURN HOME Mrs. Lawson Mason and daughters, Mary, Marjorie, and Lizabeth Ann, have returned home to East Liverpool, Ohio, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Watkins of 738 Chenango Street, Port Dickinson. sented a pink carnation corsage. The refreshment table was centered with an arrangement of gladioli.
The gifts were placed under an umbrella decorated in pastel shades. Miss Bourgarde is the fiancee of Airman Richard G. Willis. U. S.
Air Force. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Willis of 733 Grant Street, Oakdale.
Robert J. Kelly of 44 Kenwood Avenue announce the birth of a son, Richard, August 16 at Ideal Hospital. Mrs. Kelly is the former Patricia J. Ingalls, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace B. Ingalls of 2721 Hall Street, Endicott. Mr. Kelly is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Kelly of 2 Stone Street. INC. Gill to Be Wed Anthony Dunbar TR. AND MRS.
THOMAS C. GILL of 3 Vine Street announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Mary Irene, to Donald Anthony Dunbar. Mr. Dunbar is the son of Ernest P. Dunbar, of 34 Tremont Avenue and the late Mrs.
Dunbar. The couple will be married Oct. 12 in St. John the Evangelist Church. Miss Gill was graduated from Pleasant Mount (Pa.) High School and Binghamton City Hospital School of Nursing.
She attended New York University, New York City. Her fiance was graduated from North High School and Broome Technical Community College. He attended Newark (N. College of Engineering. Ruth Pinnock Is Married TISS RUTH ARLENE PINNOCK and Frederick Louis Roberts were marm.
July 31 in the Immanuel Congregational Church, Las Vegas, Nev. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pinnock of Le Raysville, Pa.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle R. Roberts of Buffalo. Mr.
and Mrs. Pinnock will in honor daughter and hold open in their home house, son-in-law from 3 to 5 p. m. and 7 to 10 p. m.
Aug. 31. STATE ST. (JUST NORTH 186 OF HENRY) No. 1 on U.
S. Highways No. 1 in DIAL 4-2453 Service No. 1 in Your Community -Troup Studio. RECENT BRIDE--Miss Shannon Marie Callaghan became the bride of George Francis Pish of 101 Mechanic Avenue, Endicott at 10 a.m.
July 27 in St. Ambrose Church of Endicott. The Rev. John M. Zeder officiated at the double-ring ceremony and celebrated.
the Nuptial Mass. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gotlieb Echorst of 22 Lincoln Avenue, Endicott. Mr.
Pish is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tokash of Olyphant, Pa. Your No. 1 General Electric Dealer New 1958 General Electric NO LINT, FUZZ! FILTER-FLO WASHER with WHITE DELICATE COLORFAST REGULAR SPECIALS AUTOMATIC CYCLE SELECTION "Wash-to-order" FABRIC KEYS FILTER Just a touch of a key selects the right wash and spin speeds, wash and rinse temperatures for any fabric automatically! 5 Wash-to-Order Fabric Keys cover the range of every washable fabric! Lint is caught in the NON-CLOGGING Moving Filter not on your clothes.
Not a messy unseen trap to jam or clog. Filter is easy to remove, clean and replace and wilt last for life of the washer. Makes ideal detergent dispenser, too. New Automatic Rinse Conditioner! Over more clothes capacity than many automatics! Water Saver Control for small loads! Extra-large opening for easy loading, unloading 5-Year Warranty on sealed-in transmission parts! Suds Return System available (slight extra cost) Model MA-9508 THE AS LITTLE AS NEW 1957 SUPER-GRIND DISPOSALL $210 SHOPPER SPECIAL PRICE A WEEK SERVICE. $5995 After Small Down Payment ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.