SILDU1S POST-DISPATCH Frf, May 31, 5X Florissant Offers New Bus Service Florissant Valley Awards 750 Degrees, Certificates ing a Golden Pass will ride free. Bus schedules are avail-able at the Florissant City Hall. 955 Rue St. Francois. John F.
Kennedy Community Center at Koch Park and Florissant Civic Center on North Waterford Drive. Young. Michael J. Young. Joanne F.
Zacheis, Keith B. Zimmer and Susan Fay Zimmerman. The students who received certificates of proficiency are grouped according to their specialties. CLERK-TYPIST Cynthia Coalwell Callahan. Barbara Eeftink, Karen Marie Heist.
Denise June Kramer, Linda Sue Meier. Patracia E. Deborah Jean Miller, Diane M. Schneier, Barbara Ann Sczesnick, Paula Kay Moss Myra R. Stockhecker, Kathy Gail Stroud and Anna Irene Woods.
DATA PROCESSING Richard A. Bunting, Edward L. Calliott. Duane H.Cookson, Anthony Georges, Kathleen A. William E.
Hill, Charles G. Jezik, Michael John Loser, Betty Ellen Ruhlman and Jack Thomas. LAW ENFORCEMENT Louis E. Charboneau, Ronald C. Denton, Bert D.
Erker. Dennis R. Ewers, Jerry D. Heflin, Thomas J. Kearns, Robert G.
Lowery, Sandra Nettlehorst, Ronald L. Shownes, Gary Ralph Thomlison, Larry E. Treat and James RayTrentham. ENGINEERING DRAFTING Alvin Dwain Callahan, David L. Everly, David E.
Gehm. Robin Lee Grindel, Thomas John Huneke, John G. Kamp, George L. McQuade, Ralph Ronald Oswald and Tames Charles Sears. LEGAL TECHNOLOGY Diana K.
Francis. John Michael Rakonick Jr. MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY DEVELOP-MENT Richard Verne Porterfield. Richter, Susan Richter. John Roberson Jerry James Roberts, Jennie Robinson.
Garrison Rose, Wella Dell Rossio, Betty Ellen Ruhlman, Ross Marvin Russo, George Ed-w a Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Christine F. Rzepka, Sandra M. Saake, Daniel H. Saeger, Janet K. Schaefer.
Mary Ann Schaefer, Konrad John Scheff el, Nancy Fischer Schikore, James Paul Schiro Michael G. Schlobohm. Mary Jane Schoeffler, Phyllis Schomaker, Gerald Lynn Schoonover, Karen Ann Schopp, Stephen Kenneth Scott, Michael Francis Schuermann, Dan E. Schulte, Robert Schure, Susan M. Scotford, David Walter Seck-el, Elizabeth Diane Sesti, Robert Elmer Shaner, Gary Alan Shelton, Robert G.
Shelvy, Robert A. Shymanski. Teresa Lee Simon, Richard R. Smith, Ruth Joan Smith, Charles H. Spradlin James Leroy Stark, Mary Eileen Starke.
Peter B. Stephans. Bar-b a a Ann Stickle, Deborah Gayle Stopke, Barbara Stron-snider, Carolyn R. Sturgeon, Al-lyn Lee Karen Kay Suchman, Gregory Edward Sullivan, Charlotte A. Swanson.
Robert J. Swierk. Clifford Taylor. Thomas J. Tegtmeyer, Steven John Tesdall, Cynthia Leigh Todd, Larry E.
Treat, Linda Jean Vangels, Robert J. Varel, Gary Lee Vierck, Merle Joseph Voelkerding, a i a Mary Voss, John G. Walsh, Paula Beth Waltrip, Delores Boykins Ware, Thomas L. Was-ser, Danny Charles Wassilak, Daniel J. Welsch Jr.
Kenneth E. Whaley, Donna Marie White, Michael Lambert Wilhelm, Laura Susan Will, Bobby L. Williams. Jack W. Williams, Terri E.
Williams, Margaret Goretti Wilson, Kath-le A. Wmgett, Debra Wit-thaus, Melvin Chalmer Wood, Carol Yosel, David William engraving I I 1 Choose one of the beau- tiful watches our col- that Woat and we'll engrave your SjS sia on back absolutely free on watch- I longinES 1 lv World Moa Honored Watch fif I NORTHLANDSOUTH COUNTY WEST COUNTY JAMESTOWN The City of Florissant will provide bus service for Florissant residents between city parks and commerical areas beginning June 10. Passengers must show resident cards and have exact change. Senior Citizens show WBBK 1 is FREE IipI I Vf4 vi I vn "kVv I I WMr 'vr' JUi 1 I hmd i3 mmm VfifLmfr 1 msm fflBPirs William F. Hoffmann, Gary Lynn Holmes, Gregory B.
Holt, Lawrence John Hopkins, Terry Ann Howard, Deborah Aon Huesgen, Deborah Jane Hulcer, P. Glenn Humphrey, Dorothy Hurt, Delores Ivy, Geraldine Ann Jasper, William S. Jennings, Charles G. Jezik. Ronald E.
Johnson, Deborah Ann Jones, Luann Hyrd Jost, Jill Elaine Joyce, Charles Louis Kallenbach II, John G. Kamp, Chester Allan Kath, James N. Kaufhold. Sheryl Jeanne Kelly, James Kemper, Sterling Dean Kennedy, Mary Key, Carol SueKientzy. Charles Willard Klein, Robert J.
Klos. Pamela Knight, Larry Dean Koerber, John Koest-ner, Richard T. Korane, Ronald M. Koser, David C. Koyn, June Leona Rita Rei3 Kraleman, Edward L.
Kramer, Diane Christine Kueper, Christine Marie Kulla, Robert Harry Landis. Victoria Rosemarie Lecho, Carole G. Lemee, John Thomas Lentz, Jean M. Leonard, Pamela Jean Ley, Thomas F. Lica-meli, Francisco S.
Lkian, Carol Lynn Lipscomb, Edward G. Longinette, Michael John Loser, Mary Elizabeth Luscombe, Randall N. Luttrell, Dennis Lee Mc-Bride, Gary John McClain, Cynthia McClevey. Patrick A. McCormick, Deborah Jo McGee, George Mc-Quade, Kathryn Ann Gerard A.
Marstall, Martin, Lee F. Martin, Delores Ruth Massie, Anita Mary Matt-son, Mary Arm Meech, Rose-m a Jane Mehner, Denise Lynn Metcalf, Joy Carol Meyer, Mary Noelle Meyer, Douglas Meyerkord. Roy Franklin Midkiff Deborah Annette Miller, Gerald O. Mizell, James M. Monahan.
Ronald Keith Montgomery, Thomas Patrick Moonier, Barbara Anne Moore, Steven W. Moore, Sandy Morton, Gerald Lee Moss, Jolene K. MueWen-feld, John W. Munyat, James David Murphy, Jerry Lee Nelson, Sandra Nettelhorst. Ronald Barry Newman, Peggy Ann Norman, i i a Yvonne Cooper O'Connell, Bernard J.
O'Donnell, Ronald Joseph Olive, Patricia L. Overall, Gerald A. Parker, Katherine E. Patterson, Laura L. Patterson, Robert M.
Paul, Andrea Perl-stein, Michael John Pettit, Sandra K. i Shirley M. Pierce, Thomas M. Prewitt. Norma V.
Price, Mary Jesse Priest, Michael Patrick Pritt, Pamela Ann Pugh, Patricia Putnam, George A. Randolph Stephen A. Recker, James Reiners, Paul F. Renna, Clarence Repp Donald L. University City Cycle, Swim iVigit June 16 The second annual University City Summer Night Bike Ride will be held early Sunday morning, June 16.
The ride will begin at the University City Community Center and end at the Hern a Park Swimming Pool, were all riders may take a dip. Registration for the ride starts at 12:30 a.m. Sunday at the community center on Pennsylvania Avenue between Vernon Avenue and Olive Boulevard. The ride will last from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.
and will follow a 15-mile course through the residential areas of the city Riders will be accompanied by a police escort. A $1 fee covers the cost of insurance, coffee and doughnuts and admission to the swimming pool. The ride is sponsored by the University City Department of Parks and Recreation. Auditions Open At Arts Center Amateur entertainers at least 18 years old are invited to audition on June 3 through 8 for performances at the Creative Arts Center at the City Center YWCA, 1411 Locust Street. The first performance will be given June 16 from 2 p.m.
to 4 p.m. Bi-monthly performances are planned for the future. For more information, call the at 421-2748. Charlene C. Aubin, Gray Robert Backers, Thomas Cifton Baldwin, James B.
Bandy, Carlo Anthony Basile, Lou Ann Bauche, Mary Ann Bauman, John E. Baumgartner. Mary Catherine Beck, Pamel Jean Becker, Sandra Bednarek, Stuart Alan Bell, Mary Ann Bel-Jovich, Alan Berkbigler, Joyce R. Berney. Carol A Bern-hard.
Deborah Lynn Betts, Gerald M. Blair. Gary Blake-more. Daniel L. Bock.
Kenneth John Bonastia, David Arthur Booher. Frank Booker. Lawrence David Bowles. Linda Diane Boyer, Karen H. Bradley.
John Brawley. Michael D. Breeding, Donald Francis Brian, Robert Donald Brmk-man, Kevin John Brown, Pamela S. Brown, Anthony P. Burdu-lis, Roy C.
Burgdorf. Robyn Bykigton, Carol Cahalin, Gary W. Callies Charles Martin Calvert. Ross Caravelli, Linda Sue Carlson, Margaret A. Cody, Joy Ann Coffey, Pamela Durk Col-ley, James Charles Cook, Anita Marie Corvaglia, Jon Fentriss Courtney, Natalie Jane Cox, Mary Theresa Cozzoni, Stacey Anne Crowe, James H.
Davis, Susan K. Dean, Billy W. Deckel-man, William R. Dennis. Janet Lanice Dickey, Paul K.
Dillender, Christine Theresa Dingman, Thomas J. Dismuke, Gretchen Self Doza, Thomas F. DuBois, Sam E. Duckworth, Bernard Michael DuClos Den-nis Patrick Eagan, Mark Richard Edghill, Donna Eitzmann, Edna Elmer, Susan Denise Enge, Daniel Paul Engelke, Robert G. Eufiriger.
Teresa Mary Ezyk, Deborah Anne Femmer, Darlene L. Ferris. Marion F. Ferris, Suzanne Fey, Robert Edward Fischer, Michael Timothy Flachs, Patricia Faye Fleischman, Wendell C. Folks, Michael J.
Frink, Joanne Christine Fuller, Sandra L. Fullington, Lawrence F. Fus-co, Charles Roger Galli, Douglas Carl Gamache. Helen F. Garrison, David E.
Gehm, Paul M. Genisio, Anthony Georges, Frances Lea Gibson, Robert John Gierse, Geral-dine Gill, Peggy Jane Gillette, Phillip Gillham, Donald L. Giov-anoni, Sherry J. Gorman, Charles Richard Green, Fran-cine Griffin, Beverly Sue Gri-gery, Robin Lee Grindel. Dwayne D.
Grote, Richard Lee Guilford, Ronna Gay Grun-den, Doris E. Hamilton, Eloise Hanco*ck, Lawrence F. Hane-brink, Bradford W. Hanson, Virginia Lee Hargrove, Gerald C. Harr, Joshua Harris, Jacqueline A Hartz, Michael Haverstick, Richard Edward Hawkins, Mel-vin J.
Hayden Marilyn Christine Haywood. Dennis E. Hecht, Jerry D. He-flin, Harry B. Hegger John E.
Heider, Robert Hejmburger, Jane Heine, John Norville Helton, Roger F. Henbree, Jean Carol Henderson, Joyce L. Hill, Robert L. Hite, Hugh B. Hedges, Martin R.
Hodits, Elizabeth L. Hoener, Melvin Hoffman. Lutherans Seek Help For Youth Who Lost Leg The Aid Association for Lutherans and the Lutheran Church of Our Savior are seeking donations of articles to be given as attendance prizes at two fund-raising benefits for Victor Clayton whose right leg was severed In an accident. Clayton, a 17-year-old Beau-mont High School student, was injured when a driver lost control of her automobile and it struck him as he stood in a bus zone after school. The driver reportedly had no insurance.
Since the accident in February, he has undergone a series of operations in an effort to restore the leg, and additional surgery is indicated. A raffle will be held at the church, 2854 Abner Place (near St. Louis Avenue), from 4 to 5 p.m. Sunday, and on July 21 a fashion show will be held at the church. Proceeds from both events will go into a fund for Clayton.
For additional information, telephone 389-3446 or 381-7366. LIMITED OFFER only Prict includes CM 11 comtnsini unit, EtS coil, 15' tuning i t'lemtostit. 'Price optional with dealer. Installation Available. 1 1 VVAi Michael Keeven, Gregory A.
Keirie. George A. Keirie, Myles Patrick Kelly. Patrick J. Kelly, Judith Elder Kemner, Randall S.
Kemp, Donald Kennebeck, Geoffrey Bryan Keough, Dennis Kircher, Kathleen Ann Harte Kirk, Robert Allan Klein, John Thomas Klipp. Edward E. Kloos Kerry D. Kloti, James Joseph Koch. Davkl J.
Koerber. Edward H. Koopmann, Kath-erme Marie Kosfeld, Patricia R. Kosmal, Raymond V. Kraatz, Thomas William La Beck, Patsy Ruth Lally, Kenneth E.
Langs-ton, Jackie Lawrence, Dean Mattew LeBel, Mickey Denise Lee, Earl George Lem III, Christopher C. Ley, William H. Lin, Russell Stephen Linsin, Tim Lock. Randall Marvin Lockette, Deborah Ann Lncaric, Laura J. Long, Richard G.
Lukenbill, Terry Michael Lupo, Patrick M. Lyons, Timothy McDcmough, Will McFadden, Sean Patrick McManus, Donna Marie Mag-ditch Mark J. Mahan, Kay Majors, James Thomas Manahan, Stephen Ryan Martchink, Patricia AnnMathey. Cathy A. Maxeiner, Rene Celeste Mayer, David Lee Meinz, Tommy P.
Melton, Joseph R. Mensing, Alison Leigh Meyer, Mary Aleta Meyer, Edward Louis Miller, Elizabeth J. Min-icky, Mildred E. Monroe, David Montgomery, Diane Rose Moore, James Stephen Moore, Lynn Moore. Robert Lee Moore, Steven W.
Moore, Nickolas Joseph Moret-to, Dennis P. Morr, William I. Morris, Robert E. Morrison, Vicki Lyn Morrow David Michael Mueller, Laurence Allen Mueller, Steven A. Mullen, William Patrick Murphy, JeanM.
Myers, Sherwin P. Neeter, Genevieve C. Nicolay, Alice B. Niehaus. Kenneth L.
Niswonger, Debra Noftsinger, Doris McCann Nord-ness, Sharen Lee Nunn, Beverly Caroline O'Connell, Tonya Peich O'Connell, Ruth Ann Olson, Timothy Daniel O'Neal, Michael A. Orlando, Nicholas S. Orlando, Gary Gerard Otten, Gregory L. Overal, Philip D. Owens, Mary E.
Page, Edward Francis Paluski. Michael James Parker, Nancy Elaine Parr, Tyson W. Patton John R. Pellerito, Eric Charles Pellarin, Kenneth L. Pennycuick, Jorge E.
Pereira Janet Joan Pettitt, Richard A. Pickering, Lonnie R. Pogue, Richard F. Pohlman Mary Frances Poth, Arthur Alan Pot-thast, Larry Winslow Pratt, Michael Gerard Quagliata. Frank John Radetic, Karen Marie Radziejewski, Patrick W.
Rafferty, Richard L. Ragar, Elmer Victor Ragland David Reese, Sally Leigh Reese, Mi-c a 1 J. Regan, Thomas J. Reichert, Mary Ann Rhynes, Linda D. Rice, Claudia J.
Ri-chner, Bradford Darrell Rick-man, Ralph Miachael Ricucci, James B.Riley. Douglas W. Roades, Charles Robertson, Mary Ann C. Urban Robertson, Wenday L. Robinson Bennison Roche, John Charles Rodgers, Dickie E.
Royer, Alan Martin Rudroff, James E. Ruf, Richard Robert Ryan Raymond Robert Sahl Robin Lynn Satterley, Karen Louise Sauerwein, Richard Joseph Schaefer Barbara S. Sohallert. Wayne W. Schepers, Jill Ellen Schermer, Arthur Schmedeke, Diana Schmidt, William Francis Sohmitt, Deborah Jean Veronica Schneider, Edward C.
Schoenbein Sheryl Lynn Schubert, Catherine Ann Schulte, James Schulte, Paul Edward Scucchi, Alan L. Sherman, Nathaniel Joseph Hipp, John M. Shoemaker, Shirley Joan Shropshire. Rosemarie F. Sievers, Gary Charles Smith, Harvey A.
Smith, Marty L. Smith, Warren Vincent Smith, Craig R. Spell-meyer, Kenneth Spink, Glenn H. Springmeyer, Leonard Lee Stemfels, Otto Paul Strizek, Mark Steven Stowers, David D. Stuart, Paul S.
Sutherland, Gladys -L. Swatek, Nancie Anne Sztukowski. Mary Stewart Tansey, Kath-ryn Ann Tellman, Harold D. Te-tley, Sandra Lee Thies, Kathleen J. Thomas, M.
Jill Timken, Wilbur L. Tomlinson, Mark Allen Townsell, Veon J. Tracy Miahcel Thomas Tricamo, Joseph Anthony Trupiano, Chester Tucker, Dejmis Bernard Tucker, Timothy N. Turntine, Steven W. Uffmann.
Daniel E. Underwood, Joyce Van Dillen, Milton Keith Van Hook, William H. Van Horn III, John Veal, Annette M. Veech, L. P.
Villanacci, Michael J. Vitale, Daniel M. Vollmer, Melvin Walls, Sara Grace Watson, Car-lyn Ann Watt, Robert Jeffery Weaver, John P. Weber, Thomas Charles Wehmer, Michael Allen Weiss, Michael Louis Weiss. Donald Louis Weitkamp, Donald Joseph Westrich, Harold R.
White, Kathy Ann White, Gail Yvonne Whitney, John P. Wike, Robert M. Wilkinson, Alice Marie Williams, John C. Wilson, Wallace Michael Wilson, Lin-da Christaine Cusick Witte, Arno J. Wulfert Karen Christine Wurdack, Sylvester Young, Mark Aaron Zangara, Rogert A.
Zertan and Kathy Louise Zim-mer. ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE Lloyd Hulen Adkins, Thomas Edward Adams, Don Chamberlain Allerton, Mark J. Ammann, Marilyn J. Angle, John Michael Anselmo, Ronald Charles Antal, Florissant Valley Community College held commencement en. ercises for more than 750 students recently.
About 400 received associate in arts degrees and more than 300 were awarded associate in applied science degrees. Forty-seven students received certificates of proficiency after successfully completing one-year career programs. Cylvia Sorkin, a personnel and management consultant from St. Louis, gave the main address. The Rev.
James McEnroe, associate pastor of St. Stephens Church and an instructor at Rosati-Kain High School, gave the invocation. Raymond J. Stith, Florissant Valley president, conferred the degrees and certificates, and David L. Underwood, dean of instruction, awarded the diplomas.
Students who received degrees are listed below. Michael L. Abramczyk, Dietrich R. Ackermann, Tom Edward Adams, Bill G. Adkins, Susan D.
Albers, Joyce Ellen Aldred, Said Abdul-Nakim Al-Khalidin. Carole Archer, Ronald Lee Arras, Hueddie Arlington Joanne Marie Arent, Bobby Baker, Carrie Marie Baker, Randall Clifford Balke, Scott G. Bandle. Mamie Lee Banks, Louis Nicholas Barkhouse Rebecca Barnhart, Michael Barns, Barbara Tipton Bast, David Arthur Batson, Beverly Ann Baughman, Frederick K. Bear-den, G.
Ellen Beck, Kirtley Dale Beckman, Margaret L. Beech, Ronald Charles Bell, Eugene Walter Bertold Jean Ann Bing, David Black. Phillip Maurice Black, George William Blair, Ronald E. Blue, Robert Hayes Bolin Dennis G. Bono, Michael Gene Bossall-er, Craig Thomas Bouchard, Richard Frederick Bouhl, Harry Price Bourne, Michael J.
Bow-m a Kim Hiller Bradsher, Charles Brandes, Linda M. Brannam, Sally Jane Braudrick, George Allen Broussard. Charlotte Mary Brown, Daniel Joseph Brown, Jimmy Ray Brown Ruth M. Brown, Robert T. Bruce Diane Mar-i Brueggemann, Richard A.
Brugnara, Lynne Marie Budzin-ski, Russell E. Buechele Christina Ann Burdzy, Boniface Cecilia Burgdorf, Margaret Lor-e 1 1 a Burke, Anthony Gerard Bush, Mary Maureen Campbell, Robert E. Campbell. Theresa Anne Carroll, Donald Grady Carter, Bradley W. Cash, William F.
Cassely, Oliver Gene Caulley, William 0. Caulley, Ju-! i a Chapman, Charles L. Chandler, Donald D. Chrisco, Charles E. Chunn, Christopher Gerard Diuffa, Rose A.
Clark, Gregory Lawrence Claudius, Freddie B. Coleman, Timothy Conway. Janet Lee Copeland, William M. Cornelison, Gregory Glenn Cosby, Peter Daniel Cosentino, Nola Raechelle Cothran, James Cox, Pauline C. Crawford, Christopher Columbus Crenshaw II, Marion E.
Cross, Larry James Crump, Pamela Jean Dalton, Maria Renee Damron, Ann Hewitt Darrough, Kenneth R. Davidson, Robert S. Davis III. Robert Gary Dedera, Jerome E. M.
Deken, Marian Helen Del-fert, John A. Dennehy Anthony J. Dieckmann, Charles Donald Diering, Kenton Albert Dietz, Particia L. Dillender, Carol A. Dixon, Tom U.
Down-ar, Janice April Downer, Kathleen L. Doyle, Robert S. Drewes, Fay Cynthia Dublin, Carl Joseph Eisenmann. Gil Fngler, Patrick Lee Fah-erty, Donald Farber, Ronald Gerard Farber, Christy Ann Farr, Linda Jeanne Farr, Robert G. Feager, Terry Lee Fed-dersen, Darvin L.
Feldhaus Diana Umlauf Ferguson, Joseph Una Mae Finch, Sandra Sue Anthony FeTranti, Suzanne Fey, Fitch, David Barry Fitzpatrick. Karen Lynn Fleischer, Wil-lene Aleace Forbey, Carolyn Sue Foster, Ronald A. Foster, Robert Ralph Francis, Luvenia Francisco, Barbara Ann Fras-ca, Cherl L. Fuchs, Clarence K. Fulton, Richard Anthony Gartner, Susan L.
Gazda, John Richard Gerfen, Anthony G. Gi-anella, Jerome John Gindra Christopher William Glaser. Mitchell Glatstein. John T. Goldbeck, Donald Wesley Goree Jack D.
Gorman, Theodore John Crasser, Janette C. Greene, James Raymond Francis G'Sell, Laila A. Guirguis, Patricia A. Hagan, Daniel J. Hagenhoff, Christine M.
Hahn, Claude E. Harris Danny L. Harris, Howard Harris, Marlon Hayes. Terry Hayes, James Haywood, John Robert Heidger, John Delbert Helmann, William Heitland, Steven R. Hellyer, Robert Anthony Helmer, Michael L.
Hempen, Gerald Paul Henderson, James Richard Henderson, Michael Jacque Henri 1 James D. Henigman, Frincis B. Henke Robert Lee Henson, Margie Ann Hep-permann. Glenn H. Higgins, Bruce Hill, Denise Dee Hilliard, George W.
Hitchco*ck, Frank W. Holzum, Phil Marvin Hoover, Susan Gale Hough, David Edmond Houlle, Stephen Huber, Ronald E. Hughey, Donald R. Hunt, James M. Hurst, Mary Anne Igo, John Indellicate, Carl H.
Ingram. Raymond L. Irby, William David Irvine, Terry L. Iverson, Leonard H. Jackson, Kenneth E.
Janoski, Jean C. Jones, Susan A. Jinkerson, Francis William Jutz III, Lois Fay Kaat-m a Diana C. Kamm, Neal Robert Karn, Joseph Patrick Keating, Carol Sue Kebert, John PER SQ. YARD INSTALLATION pi 4rJM I Professional Installers I TAre Helping Us Celebrate I With This Unheard Of I FINAL YOUR FOR Per Sq.
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