Utility Billing | City of Cuyahoga Falls (2024)


The Utility Billing Department collects payments in person, and through locked drop boxes located in the parking lot of the Natatorium and in the lobby of the Police Department. Account numbers or service addresses must be noted on the payments so that they may be accurately applied to the respective accounts. Bills may also be paid online or through mail. There is a $2.90 processing fee for online payment through our Citizen Access portal. Enrolling in Automatic Bank Draft (ACH/EFT)eliminates this fee and automatically deducts the balance due from your checking or savings account on your due date.

Those who are looking to sign up for service through Utility Billing can complete the online Utilities Contract or come to the Utility Billing Office to register. Customers signing up for service will need to complete the application, attach their signed lease/closing disclosure, and include a copy of their government issued ID. As soon as the account is created, we will email the customer back with their account number and any deposit associated with their account to be paid online.

If you have questions, please contact the Utility Billing Department by email UBDept@cityofcf.com or (330) 971-8250. If you are unable to get through, please leave a message and your call will be returned.

Utility Billing | City of Cuyahoga Falls (1)

Whether you are a longstanding resident or new to the city, the utility billing department is here to help with any questions or concerns you may have.


The following services are provided by the utility billing department for your convenience:

  • Process resident utility payments
  • Initiate new electric, water and sanitation services
  • Assist residents with past due bills
  • Location for distribution of the City Calendar and Citizen Report & Update
  • Distribution of light bulbs to electric customers
  • Maintain a drive-up payment drop box located off the main parking lot of the Municipal Building.

If you are a new homeowner in the city, in order help make your transition smooth, you will receive a New Homeowners Incentive Package that contains city-related information and significant cost-saving opportunities.

Utility Contract for New Service Accounts

You will need to attach a copy of your valid government issued photo ID and FULL lease or settlement statement/closing disclosure. Not submitting all of the documents needed will result in delay of starting service.



Required deposits must be received by the Utility Billing Department before new service can be transferred or established. You will be emailed by a staff member with your account number and instructions on how to pay your deposit online.

Utility customers shall pay the applicable deposits indicated in the following table upon application for any utility service. Exceptions are listed below. Deposits will not earn interest.

Type of PremisesDeposit
Residential Apartment heated by gas$200.00
Residential Single Family, Townhouse, Condo or Duplex$250.00
Residential All Electric$250.00
CommercialPlease call or email the office.
  1. A deposit will not be required of a bona fide owner-occupant of a residential premises, unless the customer has twice been delinquent on a utility account within the prior two years.
  2. A deposit will not be required of any prior customer whose immediate past account history with the City is twenty-four (24) consecutive bills each paid in full by the due date.

Cuyahoga Falls Codified Ordinance Section 921.03

Establishing Owner-Occupancy at a Property in a Trust or Company
When a customer signs as an owner for service at a property that is titled in a trust or company’s name, supporting documents establishing owner occupancy must be provided. The customer must show ownership of the company or documentation that the customer is named as a trustee. The address on the documents listed below also must match the service location.

Acceptable Documents
1. State of Ohio Identification Card or Driver’s License
2. Vehicle Registration
3. Voter Registration
4. Paycheck
5. Federal, State or Local Tax Forms
6. State of Ohio Articles of Organization Certificate
7. Twelve consecutive months of bank statements

If the customer cannot provide these documents at the time they sign for service, a deposit will be collected as required by City of Cuyahoga Falls Ordinance. However, if the customer is able to provide these documents and their account is in good standing, the deposit will be credited or refunded to customer.

Billing Options

The City of Cuyahoga Falls bills all utility usage on a monthly basis with either the Standard or Budget payment options. Paper and online bill pay are accepted forms of payment for both plans.


Fees are incurred on a monthly basis and are due 25 days after billing date. This payment form is subject to month-to-month price fluctuation due to the weather patterns and energy usage.


Fixed monthly amount based upon 12 months history and is re-evaluated every January and July. Please note that you will need at least 12 months of history and no past due balance to sign up for budget billing.

Yard Cart Requests

Helpful Messages at Your Fingertips

The city utilizes the utility bill mailing as an opportunity to keep you better informed. Check your utility bill package for important messages or inserts. These include information on promotions, upcoming events, and new services available to you.

Notice to Customers Concerning Theft Offenses

It is a third-degree misdemeanor to tamper with utility equipment to impede the correct registration of a meter or to reconnect utility services without the City’s authorization.

Utility Billing | City of Cuyahoga Falls (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

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