WJMS Back to School 2024 (2025)

WJMS Back to School 2024 (1)

The following information was sent to families via SchoolMessenger on Wednesday, August 7 with the subject "[SUBJECT]". The content has been formatted for the web.

As summer winds down, we have information to share for our families to be prepared for classes to start.

When is the first day of school?

Sixth grade students begin on Thursday, August 15th with a half day. Their first day includes a guided tour of the school and structured team-building activities as part of the WEB program.

Sixth Grade WEB Day Information

You may bring your school supplies, a lunch, and a water bottle. School lunch will also be available on this day.

You should bring a printed copy of your schedule. (Your schedule will be available in Infinite Campus the evening before school starts).

Students will want to wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. We recommend saving dressy first day of school outfits for the following day, August 16th.

Buses will run a normal schedule in the morning, and an early run at 12:00 for 6th grade students only.

Adult family members of sixth graders are welcome to attend a breakfast and middle school Q & A hosted by the WJMS PTA, sixth grade teachers, and other members of our school staff from 8: 45 - 9:45 am on Thursday, August 15th.

Seventh and eighth grade students are welcome to visit the school during our open house between 1 and 3 pm on Thursday, August 15th to receive a locker assignment, meet Advise teachers, and get school supplies set up and dropped off. Please come with an adult, and bring a copy of your schedule.

All students begin attending regular classes on Friday, August 16th. The doors open at 8:35 am and classes start at 8:45 am. The school day ends at 3:45 pm. Student schedules will be available on Infinite Campus/Parent Portal after 4 pm on Tuesday, August 13th.

What does my student need for school?

Please refer to our School Supply List, which details the supplies for students' core classes (English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies). Supplies for elective classes will be communicated by the teachers.

Where can we find the school calendar?

The 2024-2025 family calendar and other school publications may be found on the Family Resources page of the school website.

What do families have to do online for the new school year?

All families should complete the Annual Update process in Infinite Campus. If you need assistance with your username and/or password, please go to the Personal Account Manager to recover or reset your information. For more information on each screen you will be prompted to complete, please click here.

If your student is new to Jeffco, you must first enroll them. Once enrolled (or if they are already enrolled as a Jeffco student), then follow the steps above.

Students that intend to ride the bus must be registered to ride. Please see the district’s Bus Routes page for registration directions.

Student fees will not be available until after school has started and all schedules are finalized. If you need to make arrangements to split the bill, set up a payment plan, or have other questions, please contact our main office.

Where can we find more information on breakfast and lunch menus?

Our menus can be found in the SchoolCafé app or on the SchoolCafé site. All students in Jeffco Public Schools have access to free, healthy and nutritious school meals.

For breakfast, students will be able to enter the cafeteria at 8:20 am and will need to exit by 8:35 am. No food is allowed outside of the cafeteria.

À la carte purchases are priced as marked. Families that would like to limit their students’ purchase of à la carte items may indicate their choice using their SchoolCafé account.

We are new to the area. How do we enroll our students?

Please call the school on a weekday during office hours (7 am - 2 pm through August 7, then 8:15 am - 4:15 pm starting August 8) to begin the enrollment process. Some information can be submitted online via Enroll Jeffco, which is open through August 31 for the 2023-2024 school year. For each student enrolling, the following documents are required:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Immunization Record (immunization requirements / requisitos de inmunización);
  • Proof of residency (house contract, deed, lease agreement, or bill mailed to the home);
  • Address, phone, and fax of last school attended, or copy of previous school records.

Does my student need a computer?

All middle school students should have a Chromebook through the district’s TechForEd Program. Families, please see the Jeffco website for information about the TechForEd program and helpful links for your student's TechForEd Chromebook. If you are new to the district, please contact our Digital Teacher-Librarian, Amy Gutierrez Baker, at [emailprotected] to make arrangements for your student to receive a computer.

Where can I find assistance for ensuring my student has what they need for school?

The Mountain Resource Center in Conifer can assist families with required immunizations and school supplies. Stride Community Health Center offers healthcare services at the Mountain Resource Center on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Services include pediatric care, family and general healthcare, and vaccination.

All students in Jeffco Public Schools have access to free, healthy and nutritious school meals. Families are encouraged to complete the Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) Combination Form on SchoolCafé, which can help with additional education funding for schools and may allow for waivers of school-related fees. All household income information provided through the HSMA Combination Form is strictly confidential and protected by law. Only one form is required for all students in the household.

Families interested in receiving a bag of non-perishable food each Friday afternoon to help over the weekend may contact their counselor to request enrollment or complete the form and return to our counseling department. There are no requirements to qualify for the program. Bags are delivered every Friday throughout the school year, beginning the week after a family enrolls, and the bags are delivered without identifying or singling out recipients.

What after-school activities are held at the school?

While we do not have before- or after-school care for students, there are some weekly and/or seasonal opportunities available at our school:

Interact is a service club for students to join together to tackle the issues in their community that they care most about. The club is mentored by the Rotary Club of Conifer. Please see our Interact page for more information.

Destination Imagination is a project-based program where teams of students collaborate, think outside the box and create unique solutions to challenges in preparation for a fun, problem-solving competition. A limited number of spots are available on our teams. Please contact Laurie Woulfe at [emailprotected] if your student is interested.

Jeffco Public Schools and area park and recreation districts offer the Middle School Sports Program, which offers several sports throughout the year. Registration is open for the early fall sports: cross country after school on Mondays and Wednesdays and flag football on Tuesdays and Thursdays; both begin the week of August 19.

Please see our page for additional information on after-school activities.

What should I be looking for in the upcoming weeks?

Our Back to School Night will take place on August 21, 2023 from 6-7:30 pm. More information will be available closer to the date.

This year, WJMS will be sending out the weekly newsletter on Wednesdays. The newsletter will be sent by email via SchoolMessenger, using the contact information provided in Infinite Campus Online Registration, and will be published on our school website, wjms.us.

In the coming weeks, we will publish more information about upcoming events, typical school day information, and how to navigate the school and teacher websites. We look forward to seeing you in the 2024-25 school year!

WJMS Back to School 2024 (2025)


What grades does West Jordan Middle School have? ›

Middle schools provide classes for grades 7-9, with a 4-quarter, 7-period schedule.

What is the highest grade in middle school? ›

The middle grades consist of early-adolescent students, ten to fourteen years of age, generally in grades six to eight.

What is West Jordan Middle School ranked? ›

West Jordan Middle is ranked #181-241 in Utah Middle Schools.


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.